Our Beliefs

We acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as the verbally inspired Word of God and as the sole and infallible guide of faith and life. We support the confessions and creeds of the reformed faith including the Apostles’ Creed & the Nicene Creed.

That the Bible is the Word of God and the only basis upon which to establish one’s faith and life. That there is only one God, the creator of heaven and earth. The everyone is born a sinner and is under God’s just condemnation. That God’s son, Jesus Christ, is the only one who can rescue us from our sin and its consequences. That forgiveness of sin, peace with God and the assurance of heaven are given only to those who trust Jesus Christ as saviour. That those who have been truly saved will strive to live holy lives in obedience to the Word of God. That Jesus Christ is the King of all nations and should be acknowledged as such by all. That Jesus Christ will one day return to this world in order to complete God’s plan of salvation.

As a body of believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we welcome all individuals to our church to worship. We also believe in the scriptural sanctity of marriage between a man & a woman.

About the Church

The primary reason that we meet is to focus our attention on God, giving Him our worship and receiving His blessing and inspiration. Each of these occasions is a special time of spiritual refreshment.

To us, studying the Bible is vital because it not only instructs us intellectually but also guides us spiritually. We believe it and accept it as God’s Word to us, a Book that is alive and relevant to life today. Learning its truths is a thrilling adventure.

Nothing quite compares to the joy of Christian Friendship. That’s why we make it a priority to build lasting bonds between the members of our church family- bonds of concern and genuine commitment to one another. Best of all, this circle of care is ever-widening. We would love for it to include you, as well.

Just as Jesus Christ came “not to be ministered unto, but to minister…” we accept our responsibility to reach out in service to others. This applies both within the church family and outside of our fellowship. We look forward to serving you.